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Explore Our Inclusive Martial Arts & BJJ Classes

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The best way to ensure both your mental and physical health are taken care of is to engage in keen exercises — activities that work different areas of your brain and get your heart rate up. Paxibellum Martial Arts in New York City is the perfect location for martial arts and BJJ classes, specifically martial arts for women; Now is your chance to invest in your own overall health by trying out a free class. Our Manhattan New York City studio is the perfect place for women, both familiar and unfamiliar with martial arts, to discover a new hobby and take advantage of its benefits. Explore all our women-friendly martial arts and BJJ classes that Paxibellum has to offer — always open to new participants, and your first class is always free to try!

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The ability to protect yourself in the event of an emergency is critical, as your own survival may depend on it. Paxibellum’s martial arts classes are always women-friendly and provide the perfect opportunity to learn essential self-defense techniques and to practice them in a safe, secure environment. Our classes are the perfect mix of group fitness, exercise, and an educational way to develop potentially life-saving skills. Whether you want to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Kali, or even Judo, Paxibellum is the premier place to harness these self-defense skills. We invite you to try a free class today — either on your own or with your significant other — and get an idea of how this art form can protect you while providing a fantastic workout!

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Mental and physical discipline is a large component of maintaining optimal health; Some individuals may choose meditation, but Paxibellum Martial Arts’ BJJ classes are women-friendly and are an excellent option as well. Martial arts for women is an opportunity to strengthen your body through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and to practice making fast decisions; These group classes from Paxibellum can help make you feel stronger throughout your everyday life. We welcome beginners and experienced persons alike, and are always welcome to new members! Trying out a free class right now is the best way to get a feel for how BJJ can be the starting point to full-body awareness, enhanced balance, greater strength, and an overall healthier lifestyle. Contact our staff anytime with questions and take a look at our martial arts class schedule! Browse other areas of our website to get a feel for what we’re all about and how we help new members harness their skills. Sign up for a free class!

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In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, especially in the age of working remotely, it can be difficult to connect with others and to form new friendships. Paxibellum’s martial arts classes are women-friendly and offer an ideal opportunity to meet other women from the New York City area while also acquiring new mental and physical skills. Jiu-jitsu for women provides a welcoming, non-dangerous environment to practice BJJ, which is exactly what Paxibellum is dedicated to creating. You can try a free class at any time and see what our women-friendly classes are all about before committing. In fact, we invite you to bring any close friends or your significant other to meet other couples and experience unique in-person interactions! Contact us today to start this fun and exciting opportunity!

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At Paxibellum Martial Arts, we welcome new members of any Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) level: Beginner to advanced. Our goal is to show members of the New York City community how beneficial martial arts for women can be for maintaining a healthy weight and mindset. Our instructors — Chad Vaźquez, Logan Lo, Steve Pak, and Mike Robinson — received training and education from the same Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy; When you participate in BJJ for women, Paxibellum’s pros will take everything slow and make sure you don’t feel overwhelmed. You can meet our instructors for yourself when you participate in a free class, allowing you to get an inside look at our processes before committing. If you have any questions, contact us online anytime! We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing your face in our next class!

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The most important thing you can do for yourself, your spouse, and your family is to take care of yourself and live a healthy lifestyle. Paxibellum Martial Arts’ group BJJ classes provide exactly what you’re looking for: A safe, welcoming environment to practice mental and physical exercises. Sign up for your own free class today — either for just you or for you and a guest! — and see why jiu-jitsu for women can be beneficial. We invite you to bring any family member, family friend, or significant other to one of our martial arts classes, to gain a better understanding of how our organization functions. It is our mission to help you reach your goals, whether that be improving your pre-existing BJJ skills or getting started with a brand new, dynamic form of exercise. Contact Paxibellum Martial Arts today for more information!

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